Found: beaches and golf carts
>> 2.16.2011
February often is my least favorite month of the year, and I have been known to use this blog to vent about that. But not so in 2011 (yet). Despite an early February blizzard that canceled Groundhog Day in these parts, I'm hanging in there because of a dose of San Diego's glorious blue skies and warm weather in late January.
There must be reasons why people don't live in San Diego, but my sunglasses nicely obscured the negatives during a five-day escape from Wisconsin. It helped that the traffic jams always were in the opposite direction.
Let's review. There are beaches. There are golf carts. There are hiking trails. It is warm. People were friendly to me (I bonded with the regulars at the natural/organic food store).
The child had tons of activities. The child was perfectly happy to run barefoot on a beach shell-seeking for hours. There was a playground on the beach.
Hmmm, a golf course map with an arrow pointing toward the ocean. Perfect. Golf cart: check.
If one were to somehow get bored in this fine city, one could get on a cruise ship, hop a train (aptly named "Surfliner") or stare at palm trees, all visible in this photo.
No need to discuss the pros and cons of living in Southern California. Let's just end with this sunset over the ocean. It should be a pleasant enough memory to get me through February.
Beaches make me happy.